domain transfer @ godaddy
5.15抢到,pool给我弄到了namescout,好像是个加拿大的注册商。当然咯,不转回godaddy不算事。不过有iana规则称,新注册域名需满2个月才能转移注册商,还要等… 昨天在namescout改管理email,顺手点了下authcode,不想几分钟后邮箱收到了一串转移码。呃,难道这个规则无效? 去年抢soochow.com也是后来转godaddy的,不过不记得是不是等了2个月了。不管,既然拿到了就转看看。先给域名解锁,取消CLIENTTRANSFERPROHIBITED变成ok,再godaddy下单,付款。一切很顺利,恩,我等着开始转了。。。
Domain Transfer Failed - Domain Is Too New
Dear **,
You recently purchased a domain name registrar transfer for: INYUE.COM
However, the domain was registered on 15-May-08. Domain names may not be transferred until after the first 60 days of the initial registration.
We will keep your transfer active and process it on 14-Jul-08. We will email the administrative contact at that time for their approval to proceed.
Current Administrative Contact Email:
Please DO NOT try to re-order the transfer. If you need additional assistance, contact us at (480) 505-8877 or email us at We’re here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sincerely,, Inc.
ft,既然如此,下单时候就检查下,不要让我下嘛。Orz…一个月后才7月14,可是域名要7.15才能转啊=_= mail给support:
Hi I had got the auth code of ‘’,so I order a transfer of ‘’ ,but after i complete payment, I get a email said new register domain must after 60 days then it can begin transfer and system will keep a month to begin.this domain is register in 15 May,it’ll can’t begin transfer after a month later,14 Jul.Can you delay a fews days later to begin transfer ? I don’t want to do new order of this domain transfer beacuse of a day.Thanks.
Thanks and Regards,
Dear **,
Thank you for taking time to contact Online Support. You explained that your transfer for INYUE.COM will expire before the domain is available to be transfered. You may contact us on July 15 and we would be happy to restart this transfer for you. Please simply provided your four digit call in pin or the last four of any credit card on the account as validation and we can get the transfer active for you again so that you may complete it. Please let us know if we can assist you in any other way.
Best Regards
Trevor P.
Online Support